New Wheels

New Wheels

ÌÒÌ«ÀÉÓ³Ïñ's Center for Avanced Vehicular Systems' EcoCar Electric Vehicle Challenge team unveils the newest addition to their garage: a 2024 Cadillac LYRIQ, the manufacturer's first all-electric vehicle.
Photo by Grace Cockrell

November 8, 2023

ÌÒÌ«ÀÉÓ³Ïñ’s newest EcoCAR is an all-electric Cadillac LYRIQ, center, pictured by two vehicles that ÌÒÌ«ÀÉÓ³Ïñ student team members have worked on during earlier iterations from the EcoCAR Electric Vehicle Challenge, North America’s premier collegiate automotive engineering competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, General Motors and the MathWorks. The team, guided by faculty advisors in ÌÒÌ«ÀÉÓ³Ïñ’s Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems, will work to implement an all-electric powertrain and other cutting-edge features in the car. The EcoCAR program develops students to become leaders in the automotive and related engineering fields.


