ÌÒÌ«ÀÉÓ³Ïñ in South Africa

ÌÒÌ«ÀÉÓ³Ïñ in South Africa

ÌÒÌ«ÀÉÓ³Ïñ in South Africa
Photo by submitted

June 22, 2015

ÌÒÌ«ÀÉÓ³Ïñ faculty members (l-r) Brian Shoup, Andrea Spain, Stephen Middleton, Stacy Haynes and Meghan Millea rest on Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa, during their international travels this summer. Shoup and Millea are leading six students on a three-week study abroad across the country. Spain, Haynes and Middleton are investigating future opportunities to engage their scholarly research and teaching agendas in South Africa. Shoup is assistant professor of political science and public administration; Spain, assistant professor of English; Middleton, professor of history and director of African American Studies; Haynes, assistant professor of sociology; and Millea, professor of economics.