Information about 2022 Summer Camps at ÌÒÌ«ÀÉÓ³Ïñ
is providing campus-wide coordination of summer camps and conferences at Mississippi State.
The university's new camps website  provides resources for those looking for camp or conference information as a sponsor or participant. The site includes a list of camps being offered, along with information on amenities, lodging, dining, parking and more details as confirmed.
Summer camp and conference housing rates can be found on the website, along with a reservation request form under "Announcements" on the main page.
Reservations are made on a space-available basis. To request your space, submit a reservation form .
Summer camps and conferences hosted or sponsored by university departments must be registered through this website, including camps and conferences with "closed" registration and regardless of the camp/conference having a residential component.
Camp/conference information for summer 2022 should be submitted no later than April 1 to ensure it is included in marketing materials.
If you have questions or need assistance, please email or call Elizabeth Douglas at 662-325-2256.Â